Join Us On September 6th!
CCA's "Transformational Tuesday" free tele-call:
Being an Artist in a Small Town
Join Bev Down, CEO of the Creativity Coaching Association, as she speaks with CCA certified coach, Kris Reichart-Anderson, on how she has created success as an artist living in a small town. Kris points out," It's easy to ridicule the lack of creative opportunities of small towns and rural communities but many of us call the middle of nowhere home. After living in a small West Texas town for almost fourteen years, I have grown as an artist and writer and want to share what I have learned." Some of the areas we'll discuss are:
- How does an artist build community and network in a small community?
- What resources are available for artists, writers and performers in a small town?
- Why is it important to create a niche?
- How is it beneficial for a creative person to live in a small isolated community?
Kris Reichart-Anderson is an artist, writer and certified creativity coach living in Del Rio, a small West Texas town. She jokingly tells people that she lives one hundred and fifty miles from anything, an Interstate, shopping malls and many of the creative outlets that most of us take for granted.
To join us on September 6, 2011 @ 1:00 PM, EDT
Dial-in Number: 1-218-936-4141; Participant Access Code: 8673879#
Now, here's another opportunity for those of you near Del Rio. I will be leading a ten week session in Julia Cameron's classic work, The Artist's Way at the Firehouse beginning Tuesday September 13 or Saturday September 17. If you are looking for a way to jumpstart your creativity or kick your art or writing up to the next level, this is the class for you. We will look at tools and strategies to trash the negativity that holds us back and develop different approaches to cultivate our personal creative expression. Call Nancy or Nicki for more information and to sign up.
So, my September is off to a wild start. What's happening where you are?